
Blur And Sharpening

Blur And Sharpening

Average Blur

1. Average Blur
This filter will find the average color of the image and then fill the image with that color.


2. Denoise...
This filter is used to remove digital noise from a photo. You can keep all the settings in their default values and just move the "Noise scale" a little bit each time to the right until the desired results are reached. Please note that this filter is slow and may takes a long time to complete for large image. You may try it on a small part of the image and see which noise scale gives the best results and then apply this value to the original image.

Denoise By Patch...

3. Denoise By Patch...
This filter is similar to Denoise filter and is used to remove digital noise. Start by moving the "Sigma p" to the right a little bit and check the results while keeping other settings at their default values. Please note that this filter is also slow and may takes a long time to complete for large image. You may try it on a small part of the image and see which value of the "Sigma p" gives the best results and then apply this value to the original image.


4. Despeckle...
This filter reduces light noise in an image.

Detect Edges...

5. Detect Edges...
This filter detects the edges in an image.

Emboss Edges

6. Emboss Edges
This filter emphasizes the edges of an image.

Gaussian Blur...

7. Gaussian Blur...
This filter apply the Gaussian blur on an image. Move the slider of the opened dialog to the right to increase the blur level of the image.

High Pass...

8. High Pass...
This filter remove low spatial frequencies in an image. This filter can be used to sharpen image.

Motion Blur...

9. Motion Blur...
This filter simulates motion blur on an image

Reduce Noise

10. Reduce Noise
This filter removes single noisy pixels from an image.


11. Sharpen...
This filter performs a simple sharpening on an image. Just move the slider on the opened dialog to apply sharpening.

Simple Blur

12. Simple Blur
This filter performs a simple blur on an image.

Smart Blur...

13. Smart Blur...
This filter blurs the parts of an image where the source pixels differ from their surrounding pixels to a given threshold. This has the effect of blurring flat areas of an image while preserving sharp edges. This filter can be used to remove noise or wrinkles

Unsharp Mask...

14. Unsharp Mask...
This filter sharpens an image by unsharp masking.