
Form and Form Elements

Form and Form Elements


1. Form
Insert a form into the active page. Please note that Forms cannot overlap each other. Double click the inserted form to open the Form Properties Dialog  to change the properties of the form.


2. Button
Insert a form button to the selected form. Double click the inserted button to open the Form Button Properties Dialog to change the properties.

Image Button...

3. Image Button...
Insert a form image button to the selected form. Double click the inserted image button to open the Form Image Button Properties Dialog to change properties.


4. Checkbox
Insert a form checkbox to the selected form. Double click the inserted checkbox to open the Form Checkbox Properties Dialog to change properties.


5. Radio
Insert a form radio button to the selected form. Double click the inserted radio button to open the Form Radio Properties Dialog to change properties.

Form Text

6. Form Text
Insert a form textbox to the selected form. Double click the inserted textbox to open the Form Text Properties Dialog to change properties.


7. TextArea
Insert a form textarea to the selected form. Double click the inserted textarea to open the Form Textarea Properties Dialog to change properties.

File Upload Field

8. File Upload Field
Insert a file upload field to the selected form. Double click the inserted file upload field to open the Form File Upload Field Properties Dialog to change properties.

Selection List

9. Selection List
Insert a selection list to the selected form. Double click the inserted selection list to open the Form Selection List Properties Dialog to change properties.

Hidden Field

10. Hidden Field
Insert a hidden field to the selected form. Double click the inserted hidden field to open the Form Hidden Field Properties Dialog to change properties. Though only one hidden field is shown on the form, multiple hidden values can be added through the dialog. So, instead of adding many hidden fields to the form, you can add just one hidden field and add many value pairs.

Form Label

11. Form Label
Insert a label to the selected form. The Form Label Dialog will be opened. Use this instead of a text element to add text to a form so that it will work mobile layout. Double click on it after it is inserted to the form will let you edit the text in the dialog again.

Group Radio Buttons

12. Group Radio Buttons
Group all the selected radio buttons to a single group. A popup dialog will be opened for entering a name which will then be assigned to the name of all the selected radio buttons. So, there will only be one radio button can be selected within this group.