
Table Element Check Spelling Dialog

Table Element Check Spelling Dialog

Word not found in Dictionary

1. Word not found in Dictionary
Show the word from the text that is not found in the dictionary of the spelling checker.

Replace Word

2. Replace Word
Show the word which will replace the word in text which is shown in "Not in Dictionary" box. You can type over it with another word.

List of Suggested Words

3. List of Suggested Words
List of words suggested by the spelling checker. Select any one of these words will replace the word shown in the "Replace by" combo box.

User Dictionary

4. User Dictionary
Show the name of the user dictionary which is also used to check spelling. Click the "Add" button will add the word shown in "Not in Dictionary" box to this user dictionary.

Main Dictionary

5. Main Dictionary
Select the main dictionary to check the spelling.

Ignore button

6. Ignore button
Ignore the current word and find the next word not found in the dictionary.

Ignore All button

7. Ignore All button
Ignore all occurrences of the word shown in "Not in Dictionary" box within the whole text.

Change button

8. Change button
Change the word in text which is highlighted to the word in the "Replace by" combo box.

Change All button

9. Change All button
Change all instances of the word shown in the "Not in Dictionary" box which are found in the text to the word shown in the "Replace by" combo box.

Add button

10. Add button
Add the word shown in the "Not in Dictionary" box to the user dictionary.

Close button

11. Close button
Close this dialog