
Image Rotator Dialog

Image Rotator Dialog
Add image rotation effect to the selected image. Images added to this dialog will be shown one after another according to their positions in the list. If javascript is disabled, only the selected image which this effect is added will be shown.

Add button

1. Add button
Open the Select Images Dialog to add images into this effect.

List of images

2. List of images
Show a list of images which will be shown automatically one after another when the web page has been loaded.

Properties... button

3. Properties... button
Add image properties such as a link to the selected image. So when this image is shown under the rotation effects, clicking on it will jump to the selected link.

Remove button

4. Remove button
Remove the selected image from the list.

Remove All button

5. Remove All button
Remove all the images from the list.

Up button

6. Up button
Move the selected image up.

Down button

7. Down button
Move the selected image down.

Copy button

8. Copy button
Copy the selected images for this effect to clipboard so that they can be used in other similar effects by pasting.

Paste button

9. Paste button
Paste the selected images from the clipboard which are copied from other similar effects.

Transition speed

10. Transition speed
Set the transition speed which is the time taken to show the next image.

Fading speed

11. Fading speed
Set the speed of the fading effect.

Extra startup delay

12. Extra startup delay
Set extra time for startup delay. So if the time for startup delay is 1000 and the transition speed is 4000 then the rotation effect will start after 1000 + 4000 = 5000 milliseconds.

Pause rotation when hover (mouse over)

13. Pause rotation when hover (mouse over)
Select this option to stop the rotation effect when the mouse is over the image.

Use responsive images

14. Use responsive images
Use responsive images for this image rotator. A set of smaller images using the sizes specified in the Preference will be created from the selected images. Browsers will select the appropriate ones for loading according to the width of the browser window. For example, if the page is loaded in a mobile device with screen with 320px, the set of images with width 320px will be loaded instead of the original ones so that the page will be loaded more faster on that device.

OK button

15. OK button
Click OK to save the settings.

Cancel button

16. Cancel button
Cancel saving the settings.